Gifted and Talented

At Bardstown City Schools, we are dedicated to nurturing students who excel at exceptionally high levels. Identified based on specific criteria, these students receive tailored services to support their unique abilities.

Gifted Student Service Plan: Each identified student has a personalized plan created by our gifted coordinator and education team to guide their learning.

Primary Talent Pool: For K-3 students, teachers may refer high-potential learners to this program. These students engage in small group activities with the gifted coordinator and receive challenges in their strongest academic areas.

Formal Identification: At the end of 3rd grade, students undergo formal testing for Gifted and Talented Services, with identifications completed in 4th grade.

Areas of Focus: We provide services in general intellectual ability, specific academic ability, creativity, leadership, and the visual and performing arts. These services occur during the school day, with some extracurricular options available.

Service Options: Our offerings include differentiated instruction, content acceleration, flexible small groups, independent studies, and advanced placement and honors courses to meet the diverse needs of our gifted students.

Explore this site to find information and resources to support the enrichment and development of your gifted child.

Gifted and Talented Parent Resources Icon
A page just for GT parents!
Icon for Gifted and Talented Student Opportunities
Explore programs, camps, contests, and more beyond BCS.
Icon for the Gifts for the Gifted Page
Gifts for minds who need a challenge for all occasions
Kid-friendly websites to explore and learn new things!
Web-based games and puzzles to stretch your brain.



Amy Adams

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