
The Bardstown Board of Education and its staff believe that every child is entitled to the very best education that our district can provide. In doing so we believe it is essential that all students attend school on a regular basis. Research has shown a direct connection between poor attendance and poor academic achievement. We believe the reverse is also true. Students with high attendance rates generally achieve higher grades, enjoy school more, and become a more marketable individual for higher education and the workforce.

It should be emphasized again that students are required by law (KRS 159.010) to be in attendance every day that school is in session unless they have a justifiable excuse for the absence. Schools, as well as parents, are required to account for each and every student absence.

Notes Required

Students returning to school following an absence must report directly to the attendance secretary and tum in a note. A note signed by a parent/guardian is to be presented explaining the absence. The note must also provide the date of the day(s) missed as well as the phone number of the parent/guardian. Based upon the information received, the absence will be declared excused or unexcused in accordance with the Bardstown City Schools’ Attendance Policy.

Other Attendance Information

Home-Hospital Instruction

In the event that a student expects to be out of school for more than five (5) consecutive days due to illness, hospitalization, surgery, etc., they may apply to be placed on home/ hospitalization instruction. We recommend that the student applies before or as soon as absences begin.

Special Factors

Parents of chronically ill or handicapped students may provide a doctor’s statement in order for these students to receive special consideration. Special consideration may also be considered for

  1. death or severe illness in the immediate family
  2. required court appearances and
  3. school related activities with prior approval from a principal.
Notification of Parent

Parents will be notified by mail when their child has accumulated three (3) unexcused absences and/or tardies in a school term (semester). The Board office will notify the Court Mediation Officer when a child has missed five (5) unexcused absences


Truancy is a violation of Kentucky’s compulsory attendance law. KRS 159.150 states that “Any child who has been absent and/or tardy from school without a valid excuse for three (3) or more days is a truant.”


A truancy report will be filed with the Director of Pupil Personnel (DPP) when a student accumulates four (4) or more unexcused absences and/or tardies in a school year. A child is considered to be a habitual truant when he/she misses six (6) unexcused days or tardies. A truancy report will be filed with the Court Mediation Officer upon the fifth absence. If the problem is resolved, no legal action is taken. When the student has accumulated a total of six (6) unexcused absences/tardies, the school district will file truancy documents with the District Court.

Make Up Work

Requesting and· completing work missed during excused absences is the responsibility of the student/parent. Work may be made up for unexcused absences at the discretion of the Teacher/Principal involved.

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