FRYSC Offices
BEC/BPS Family Resource Center
Bardstown Primary
Katrina Haydon
BES Family Resource Center
Bardstown Elementary
Catherine Jean Baptiste
BMS Youth Service Center
Bardstown Middle
Sheila Calbert
BHS Youth Service Center
Bardstown High
Josh Payne
Family Resource and Youth Services Centers (FRYSCs) help BCS families solve problems and overcome barriers to learning. Our Family Resource Centers (FRC) serves Bardstown Early Childhood, Primary and Elementary. Our Youth Services Centers (YSC) serve Bardstown Middle and High school. Overall, BCS has 4 centers serving our 5 schools. All centers work with local agencies and businesses to offer their own blend of programs and services, but each center provides support in core areas.
Our Family Resource and Youth Service Centers do so much to help the students and families of Bardstown City Schools. Below are just some of the things they do!
- Referrals to Preschool for children age 2-3 and child care for children age 4 – 12 when school is not in session
- Referrals to community partners for new and expectant parents as well as “Welcome to the World“ packets for new babies in the district including information regarding ages and stages, immunizations and early literacy skills
- Referrals to community partners who will assist families in securing health care including mental, vision, dental, general medical needs, food, housing and utilities.
- Assistance with school uniforms, school supplies and Friday Food Bags
- Collaborate with schools on special events like Fall Family Fun Night, Math and Literacy Nights, Memories with Mom, Kindergarten Kick Off and more.
- Transition Camp for incoming 3rd grade students
- Girls Club for 5th grade girls addressing self-discovery, positive body image, making good choices, communication, understanding emotions, healthy friendships, self-esteem, dealing with difficult issues, reaching out and self-identity
- Social Emotional Learning programming
The Bardstown Youth Services Center provides programs, referrals and services in the following areas:
- Child and academic development
- Career exploration development including employment counseling, training, job-shadowing programs and even adult education.
- Mental-health counseling and social services
- Substance abuse education and prevention
- Family crisis and mental health counseling as well as parenting-support groups.