Bardstown City Schools seek to remove barriers to learning and ensure educational success for all students. When students and their families do not have a fixed, permanent, or regular nighttime residence, they are considered to be a family experiencing homelessness under the federal McKinney-Vento Act. School districts are required to identify students that fall under the set criteria of McKinney-Vento. For students not residing with a legal parent or guardian, these individuals are classified as Unaccompanied Youth, and have equal educational rights under McKinney-Vento. Supports are available to students and families in relation to enrollment, transportation, referrals to community resource partners (for physical, emotional, and basic needs), opportunities for family engagement in school-related events, maintaining academic/graduation progress, or other individualized barriers.
If you or a family you know is experiencing homelessness, please contact Chris Pickett, Bardstown City Schools Homeless Liaison, at (502) 331-8800 or chris.pickett@bardstown.kyschools.us.

BCS Homeless Liason & Director of Pupil Personnel
Chris Pickett