The Summer Nutrition Program at Bardstown City Schools is back! Starting June 3, free meals are available to children under the age of 18. Children do not have to be enrolled at Bardstown City Schools to receive a meal. Summer Feeding is open to all children in the community. Our Summer Nutrition Program will kick off with bulk meal pick ups every Friday in June. In July meals will be served in the Bardstown Middle School. See details below:
Bulk Meal Pick Up
Pick up breakfast and lunch for the week every Friday in June. The Drive Thru will be open at Bardstown Middle School from 10:30-12:30. Bulk Meal pick ups will contain breakfast and lunch for 7 days.

Eat At School
During July meals will be served in the Bardstown Middle School cafeteria. Breakfast and lunch will be available every week day from July 1-15. No meals served on July 4. Breakfast will be served at 9am. Lunch will be served at 11-12pm.