All of your child’s back to school information is in one place!

Back to School info graphic

Open House Dates Bardstown Early ChildhoodJuly 295:00 – 6:00 pm (AM Students)6:00 – 7:00 pm (PM Students) Bardstown PrimaryJuly 304:30 – 7:00 pm  Bardstown ElementaryJuly 293:30 – 6:30 pm Bardstown Middle6th Grade Open HouseJuly 244:30 – 6:00 pm 7th/8th Grade Open HouseJuly 246:30 – 8:00 pm  Bardstown HighSchedule Changes (upperclassmen only)July 25 & 26 Freshman … Read more

Celebrating Excellence: The Brenda Buffin Excellence in Career Technical Education Award

Kayleigh Hines stands with Brenda Buffin holding her award.

The Brenda Buffin Excellence in Career Technical Education award honors outstanding seniors at Bardstown High School who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and achievement within their respective career and technical education (CTE) pathways. This prestigious award recognizes students who have made significant contributions to the success of CTE through the quality of their work and their … Read more

Kentucky Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (SEBT)

Blog post graphic that reads SEBT: Kentucky Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer

Attention Kentucky families! Your students may be eligible for summer nutrition assistance through the SEBT program. SEBT aims to reduce hunger and food insecurity for students who miss out on free and reduced-price meals during the summer break. How Do I Apply? 🌐 Complete your application online at KY SEBT or through Kynect starting June … Read more

Student Artist Isabel Harris Designs District Banner and Motivates Other Student Artists

Isabel Harris stands in front of tigers sign

Senior Isabel Harris took on the task of crafting a digital banner to represent Bardstown City Schools at the Kentucky School Board Association’s Annual Conference scheduled for March 1-3, 2024, in Louisville. Annually, KSBA invites each school district to create a banner for exhibition at the association’s Annual Conference. These banners hold significant value at … Read more

“The Bardstown Way” is a Family Tradition for Foreign Exchange Family

Foreign exchange students reunite at Primo's Cafe.

Foreign exchange programs are an incredible opportunity for students to experience life in a different country, learn about a new culture, and make lifelong connections. One family from Spain has made studying abroad at Bardstown High School a tradition, with three children participating in the program. It all started five years ago when Carles Alias … Read more

BCS to test Communication System on Jan. 9

graphic for communication test

January is here, which means we are officially heading into the winter weather season! We want to be sure all of our families and employees are prepared for the possibility of school cancellations due to inclement weather, so we’ve provided the information below, including how we will communicate with you if our schools need to … Read more

Dr. King Selected As Teacher Lead for UK-JHF Holocaust Initiative

Dr. Chris King stands outside of Bardstown City Schools

It is with great pleasure that we announce Dr. Chris King’s selection as a teacher leader for the University of Kentucky(UK)-Jewish Heritage Fund (JHF) Holocaust Initiative for 2023-2024. This initiative provides the necessary support and resources for teachers to meet the requirements of the 2018 Ann Klein and Fred Gross Holocaust Education Act. Out of … Read more

Student interns with House Plans by J.D. Riggs

Senior Calub Alford stands in front of House PLans by J.D. Riggs.

At Bardstown High School, students can experience careers they may be interested in pursuing while earning high school credit. These internships are part of Bardstown City Schools’ Path2Pro program, a program that helps students develop their academic and post-secondary goals. Calub Alford, a Bardstown High School senior taking courses in the Path2Pro engineering concentration, started … Read more

BCS to test new automated lockdown system on October 5

Lockdown Testing Graphic

Bardstown City Schools will be testing our new automated lockdown system on Thursday, October 5th.  The testing will include an automated lockdown announcement that will broadcast on the indoor and outdoor speakers of each building. Please do not be alarmed by this testing- it is a necessary part of our migration to this new system. … Read more

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